2011-11-17 - Successfully breeding rabits

After watching the BUILD keynote together, it should be clear that the cloud plays a big role in the future. Let Yves guide you in a world-wide journey of building highly-scalable, highly-available and geographically distributed systems on Windows Azure.

Session info

Public websites and applications are like rabbits, when you release them into the wild they either scale very fast or end up as road kill because of excessive traffic. In this talk I will introduce you to all the features available in the Windows Azure Platform that can help you build really scalable online applications.

Speaker: Yves Goeleven is a solution architect at Capgemini Belgium with 10 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise grade applications and systems. Yves has been an advocate for development methodologies and architectural styles, like Domain Driven Design, Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Driven Architecture, independent of specific products. Today he is specializing in Microsoft's Platform As A Service offering, Windows Azure. Yves is also very active in the belgian Microsoft community. Besides being a frequent speaker and blogger, he is also one of the founders of AZUG. In 2011 Yves has been awarded as 'Most Valuable Professional for Windows Azure'.

Practical details

Event date: Novemer 17, 2011 - starts at 18:00

Event location:
Skaldenstraat 7b
9042 Gent

Register via EventBrite


