2013-11-12 - Windows Azure Reloaded
We're a bit in the dark with what Scott Klein will come tell us about. Expect anoverview of the features that have been announced, are yet to-be-announced and what you can do with them.
Session info
Windows Azure Reloaded
In this session will look at many of the new features and enhancements to Windows Azure. If we can, we’ll look at things that will soon be generally available as well as features that have recently be released. Topics will include Windows Azure Mobile Services, HDInsight, SQL Database, and more. We’ll take a deep look at these new and enhanced services and how you can leverage to the fullest.
Speaker: Scott Klein is a Corporate Technical Evangelist for Microsoft focusing on Windows Azure SQL Database (AKA SQL Azure) and related cloud-ready data services. His entire career has been built around SQL Server, working with SQL Server since the 4.2 days. Prior to Microsoft he was a SQL Server MVP for several years, then followed that up by being one of the first 4 SQL Azure MVPs. Scott is the author of over ½ dozen books for both WROX and APress, including Pro SQL Azure. He can be found talking about Windows Azure SQL Database and database scalability and performance at events large and small wherever he can get people to listen, such as SQL Saturday events, local SQL Server user groups, and TechEd.
Practical details
Event date: November 12, 2013 - welcome from 18:00, session starts 18:30
Catering: sandwiches
Event location:
Microsoft Belgium
Corporate Village
Leonardo Da Vincilaan 3
1935 Zaventem
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