2014-12-09 - Lost in translation - How Azure Networking is different

As one of the major cloud providers Microsoft Azure has a big adoption rate in a lot of businesses around the world. Customers are moving parts of their infrastructure from their own datacenter(s) to the Azure Cloud. Developers, system engineers, network engineers and security staff are all effected by this change. On premise network engineers have been building secure networks for years. Obviously they want to extend and reuse this knowledge in the cloud. They are talking about network firewalls, network segmentation, vlan’s. However in the Azure cloud this is slightly different and some of the trusted mechanism are unavailable. In this talk we go in-depth on the various Azure networking options and how establish secure connectivity between Azure and various on-premise locations.

Speaker: As a Consulting Sales Engineer Joeri Van Hoof is specialised in all the content security and cloud solutions of Barracuda Networks. In his current position he is providing pre-sales advice to Barracuda customers as well as working with development and product management to improve the products and solutions. Prior to Barracuda Networks Joeri worked at C-CURE in various roles ranging from Developer, Consultant to Technical Manager. He specialised in designing and deploying security infrastructures for customers all over Europe. In his role as Technical Manager he established a team of experts in the IT security field delivering managed services, support and implementations of security solutions offered by C-CURE. Joeri has experience with a variety of IT security products and technologies. He is a guest teacher at the Solvay Business School in the Information Security Management Education program focussing on Web Application Security. He has a special interest in secure application development and web application development.



